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Our Customers Testimonials


Please read below or see many more on Google, Yelp and Facebook. 

Thank you to our customers for  taking the time to write reviews.  We appreciate it!

Absolutely amazing service. Easy to schedule, professional service, and you get a great summary about every walk. Definitely recommend. 


Joshua E. 

Kenmore WA 

July 2019

Source: Google Reviews

Keeping Up with Jack has been a lifesaver. We've had a few dogwalkers during the past few months that KUWJ has been walking the dogs, and we've loved every one of them! They are so reliable that I never worry that the dogs won't be taken care of.


The daily communication, the pictures--it's just so great. And the dogs love every walker! We are moving in the next month and won't be needing the dogwalking service anymore, and it's a real bummer.


I don't know if I'll be able to find another one that is so dependable and awesome! I am so grateful to KUWJ!

Tessa B


November 2019

Source: Google Reviews

Really, really great! They update the visits and provide great pictures and notes. Highly recommend them!


Allen E.

Bothell WA 

April 2019 

Source: Google Reviews

I underwent a big surgery that requires help walking my dog while I recover. I’m so glad I found Shelby! She has been amazing with my old senior boy. She always reports back on how he did, she’s reliable, knowledgeable, hard working and my dog absolutely lights up when she arrives. I also really appreciate the efficiency of her scheduling & billing app. If you’re looking for an experienced local dog walking company to help get your furry ones outside, I highly recommend Keeping Up With Jack!

Stacy D.

Mill Creek WA

July 2019

Source: Google Reviews

Shelby and Joseph have been a godsend since we brought our new puppy home three months ago, helping do check-ins and potty breaks throughout the day while we're at work. They are super responsive, reliable and professional - we know our 5-month-old Goldendoodle is in the best hands and that's worth everything in the world.

We love the updates and photos they provide after each visit. I'm always amazed at the variety of activities they come up with to keep our little pup engaged when they take her out.


Their online scheduling system is easy to use, and I like that you can see their schedule a couple of weeks out. Even when Snowpocalypse hit, Shelby and Joseph were flexible and there when needed (at one point tackling our giant hill on foot to get to our house!)


We feel so fortunate and lucky to have Shelby and Joseph welcome us into the Keeping Up With Jack family!


David K

Kenmore WA 

July  2019 

Source: Google Reviews

Highly recommend! Trustworthy, reliable, and truly cares for my pups :)


A P.

Canyon Park WA 

April 2019 

Source: Google Reviews

Shelby and Joseph are THE best people you could possibly have care for your fur babies. They are honest, reliable, felixible (do all that they can to help you in a pinch), and they truly care about their clients and their pets❤️ Thank you both for all that you do!  

Emily W.

Woodinville WA

August 2018

Source: Google Reviews

Shelby and Joseph are the best around! They have been taking amazing care of our golden retriever puppy for the past 4 months by taking him on walks and visiting him twice a day. They are always available and extremely flexible. They even do slumber pawtys at our house when we are out of town, so that he can be in his own home even when we are away. They have also been helping us with training him to walk on a leash properly! Highly Recommended!!


Celia T

Canyon Park WA 

April 2019 

Source: Google Reviews

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